Tarot Cards

A list of the 78 tarot cards.

The one-word shorthand for their meaning are my interpretation. The cards may speak to you in a different way.

I use this deck for readings.

Major Arcana

  • The Fool – Beginnings

  • The Magician – Manifestation

  • The High Priestess – Intuition

  • The Empress – Nurturing

  • The Emperor – Authority

  • The Hierophant – Tradition

  • The Lovers – Union

  • The Chariot – Control

  • Strength – Courage

  • The Hermit – Reflection

  • Wheel of Fortune – Change

  • Justice – Balance

  • The Hanged Man – Surrender

  • Death – Transformation

  • Temperance – Moderation

  • The Devil – Temptation

  • The Tower – Disruption

  • The Star – Hope

  • The Moon – Illusion

  • The Sun – Vitality

  • Judgment – Awakening

  • The World – Completion


  • Ace of Wands – Inspiration

  • Two of Wands – Planning

  • Three of Wands – Expansion

  • Four of Wands – Celebration

  • Five of Wands – Conflict

  • Six of Wands – Victory

  • Seven of Wands – Perseverance

  • Eight of Wands – Movement

  • Nine of Wands – Resilience

  • Ten of Wands – Burden

  • Page of Wands – Curiosity

  • Knight of Wands – Passion

  • Queen of Wands – Confidence

  • King of Wands – Leadership


  • Ace of Swords – Clarity

  • Two of Swords – Stalemate

  • Three of Swords – Heartbreak

  • Four of Swords – Rest

  • Five of Swords – Defeat

  • Six of Swords – Transition

  • Seven of Swords – Deception

  • Eight of Swords – Restriction

  • Nine of Swords – Anxiety

  • Ten of Swords – Betrayal

  • Page of Swords – Curiosity

  • Knight of Swords – Action

  • Queen of Swords – Independence

  • King of Swords – Authority


  • Ace of Cups – Emotion

  • Two of Cups – Partnership

  • Three of Cups – Community

  • Four of Cups – Apathy

  • Five of Cups – Loss

  • Six of Cups – Nostalgia

  • Seven of Cups – Fantasy

  • Eight of Cups – Departure

  • Nine of Cups – Satisfaction

  • Ten of Cups – Fulfillment

  • Page of Cups – Imagination

  • Knight of Cups – Romance

  • Queen of Cups – Compassion

  • King of Cups – Control

Pentacles / Spheres / Coins

  • Ace of Pentacles – Possibilities

  • Two of Pentacles – Balance

  • Three of Pentacles – Collaboration

  • Four of Pentacles – Security

  • Five of Pentacles – Poverty

  • Six of Pentacles – Generosity

  • Seven of Pentacles – Patience

  • Eight of Pentacles – Mastery

  • Nine of Pentacles – Self-sufficiency

  • Ten of Pentacles – Legacy

  • Page of Pentacles – Ambition

  • Knight of Pentacles – Efficiency

  • Queen of Pentacles – Nurturing

  • King of Pentacles – Stability


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